Blog/Kislovodsk retreat: A time of renewal

Kislovodsk retreat: A time of renewal

Kislovodsk retreat: A time of renewal

Our annual leadership retreat from October 9-13 in Kislovodsk was a refreshing and enriching experience. This year we focused on helping our leaders regain strength ensuring there is enough time for personal reflection, prayer, and fellowship, creating a special atmosphere of unity and intercession.

Participants shared blessings and gratitude for the past season, reflecting on their spiritual journeys and the life of their camp teams. We also discussed the upcoming conference theme, gathering insights to shape our future ministry.

To enhance the experience, our leader Alexander Kharitonov organized excursions to historic sites and beautiful parks. Nestled in the scenic South of Russia, our retreat location is home to Mount Elbrus, the highest peak in Europe, and diverse communities. The stunning surroundings contributed to a sense of peace and renewal throughout our time together.


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